The Not So Great Gatsby

Hello World, How you doing?!

March 21, 2020

This is my first post on my new blog!

I’m sure I’ll write a lot more interesting things in the future.

As some wiseman said “All of Humanity’s problem stems from his inability to sit quiet and do nothing”. But I think, not only problems, some useful things also happen because of this inability. For example, this site got created on one such day where I had absolutely nothing to do. That is not to say this site is useful for everyone;). It was useful for me since I learnt various thngs that I always wanted to learn.

This site is hosted by github pages. Everyone should try hosting their website using github pages. It is completely free. The web content is generated using gatsby JS. Gatsby is a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing fast websites and apps. The code repository is maintained in github - One private and one public. The private repo holds the gatsby code that is used to generate the web content. The output of the gatsby code is deployed to github pages repository which is, as of now, public. The github actions is used for CD/CI. It works amazingly well to automate the build from one github repo and get it deployed on a another repo.

Ofcourse the domain name is registered using AWS Route 53 service. It costs me USD 12 per year to maintain the domain name. github pages provides you the ability to host your website using your own domain name.